Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

khadizah r.a

The Life of Khadijah (ra)
by Khadijah Al-Hashim

The first woman to follow the religion of Islam was Khadijah ul-Kubra'. Every Muslim knows who she was and what a role-model she was and continues to be. We also know that she was according to the Prophet (saw), one of the four greatest women from among the whole earth.

Khadijah was born in the year 555 C.E. (Christian era). Her parents were Khuwailid and Fatimah bint Zaidah. By the time she reached the age of forty she had attained quite a reputation for herself. She was known as a wealthy, noble, fine-natured business woman.

Khadijah heard about Mohammed's (saw) reputation for being an honest and upright young man. She sent him a proposal to ask him to handle some of her business affairs. On the return from one trip to Syria, he reported a profit that doubled that which anyone else had done for her. Needless to say, that impressed her greatly!

Khadijah's satisfaction with her new employee was soon to turn into love. Despite their age difference of 15 years, she desired to marry him. She confided this desire to he friend, Nufaysah, who in turn approached Mohammed (saw). This confused him. How could such a noble woman, who had turned down the marriage proposals of the noblest and wealthiest Quraysh men, desire to marry him?! Mohammed uncle Abu Talib and Khadijah's uncle 'Umar ibn Asad sat down to arrange the completion of the marriage. Little did any of them know just what the future had in store for this new couple!

Allah bestowed upon them six children. They were given two boys, Qasim and 'Abdullah, but neither survived infancy. They were also given four daughters, Zainab, Ruqaiyyah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah.

Mohammed would often go to Mount Hira for meditation. On returning one day, Khadijah could see he was quite shaken and upset. She inquired about this and he told her what had happened. She found out that today had been unlike any other in that, today, he had been given revelations from God! He had thought that he was possessed and was going mad. Khadijah tried to console her terrified husband by saying:

"Rejoice, O son of my uncle, and be of good heart. Surely by Him in whose hand is my soul, I have hope that you will be the prophet of this people. You have never done any wrong to anyone. You are kind to others and you help the poor. So Allah will not let you down."

He then asked for a blanket and she quickly fulfilled his request. Shortly thereafter, he fell asleep. when Mohammed woke, Khadijah took him to her cousin, Waraqah bin Nawfal. He was Christian and quite knowledgeable of the scriptures of the Torah and Bible. He confirmed Mohammed's prophethood and said:

"This is the same one who keeps the secrets (angel Gabriel) whom Allah had sent to Moses. I wish I were young and could live up to the time when your people would turn you out."

Just a few months later Gabriel came again and ordered him to start warning the people. Khadijah supported him in this by financially supporting the family and his teaching. She was also content to raise the children and handle the family affairs so that he could preach.

During the next 10 years, she proved herself to be a loving wife. She supported him when nobody else would. She consoled him when rough time hit them. She comforted and encouraged him when the Quraish did all they could to stop him from preaching. She remained the only wife of Mohammed until her death at the age of 65. She died on 10 Ramadan 620 C.E. in the 10th year of prophethood. Long after her death, Mohammed remembered and honored her often.

There is a lesson in Khadijah's life. She accepted and started working for the religion of Islam after the first revelation. This not only made her the first Muslim but also a role-model for women today. She led the example of a good, loving wife. She also showed us how to forget the desires of this life and work only for the good of Islam. Khadijah truly was a righteous woman.


Sword Of ALLAH(Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed r.a)

"The rainy night when I am standing wearing armor with sword and shield in my hand and looking again and again towards the eastern horizon, waiting for sun to rise so that I could start the battle."
Said by the most courageous and brave man after getting dismissed from army by Caliph Omar in 638 A.D.The men who did not have a span of a hand on his body that was not scarred by a wound from a sword or arrow or spear. A man who said when he was dyeing..:
"I have sought martyrdom in a hundred battles. Why could I not have died in battle?
His friend replied:
"You could not die in battle"
"You must understand that when the Messenger of Allah, on whom be the blessings of Allah and peace, named you Saifullah - the Sword of Allah, he predetermined that you would not fall in battle. If you had been killed by an unbeliever it would have meant that Allah's sword had been broken by an enemy of Allah; and that could never be."
Khalid bin Waleed was a powerful man who commanded great influence among their people. His acceptance of Islam was a great moral victory. To the Quraish, on the other hand, it proved to be a death blow in his campaign against Islam.
Personally i admire him a lot..he is one of my favorite personalities ..when i first read about him in my primary class i used to like his braveness. …His courage…. and his dedication towards Islam after becoming a Muslim...The sword of ALLAH…. the most prestigious example of utmost courage and bravery having the most diversified war skills...Brain like him are very of my ideals among Hazrat Abu bakar r.a and of course Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) "I am the pillar of Islam! I am the Companion of the Prophet! I am the noble warrior, Khalid bin Al Waleed!"
Abu Bakr (ra) on Khalid Bin Al-Waleed:

"Women will no longer be able to give birth to the likes of Khalid bin Al-Waleed."
Khalid bin Waleed was the son of the chieftain of the tribe of Banu Makhzoom, Waleed bin Mughaira.In his youth, the qualities of foresight and planning bloomed to perfection and he occupied an enviable position among the youths of Banu Makhzoom.He was blessed with a graceful physique and had a dignified bearing. Before he accepted Islam, in every battle, he used to enter the battlefield challenging the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).But each time the Prophet(pbuh)'s majesty and nobility seemed to spread an aura which entered the heart of Khalid bin Waleed.On one occasion when the Prophet(pbuh) was leading the afternoon prayers(Zohr) in the battlefield, with his army behind him, Khalid bin Waleed was tempted to take advantage of this opportunity and attack the muslims who would thereby suffer irreocable losses.But some invisible force seemed to hold him back and he could not muster up enough courage to do it. The same episode happened during the early evening prayer(Asr) and Khalid bin Waleed realised that some unseen power was protecting the Prophet(pbuh) and surely on day he would conquer not only the whole of Arabia but the entire world.
When the Prophet(pbuh) signed the peace treaty of Hudaybiyah (read Muhammad(pbuh)'s biography) , Khalid bin Waleed wondered what would follow next and thought about his own future.He could not seem to decide whether he wanted to give up his warrior's life or not.At this moment, he got a letter from his brother who had converted to Islam.He wrote in very affectionate terms that the Prophet(pbuh) had asked him where Khalid bin Waleed was.He had answered respectfullly that Allah Almighty would surely one day bring Khalid bin Waleed to the Prophet(pbuh) to embrace Islam.It was not possible, he told him that his intelligent, perspective and able brother should be deprived of the blessings of Allah Almighty and Islam. This inclined the mind of Khalid bin Waleed more towards Islam and he felt very elated and proud that the Prophet(pbuh) had asked about him.During this time, he dreamt that he was moving out of a tiny, dark and dingy place into a vast green fertile field.When he woke up he felt extremely pleasant and made up his mind to go to Madinah. When Khalid bin Waleed met the Prophet(pbuh), he respectfully greeted him and was greeted back with a smile.Khalid bin Waleed then took the pledge of allegiance, swearing on the palm of the Prophet(pbuh).The Prophet(pbuh) affectionately told Khalid bin Waleed
"I was sure, taking into consideration your brilliance, your wisdom and foresight that surely one day you would accept Islam as your religion".
Khalid bin Waleed then requested him to pray to Allah Almighty to forgive him for all the sins he had committed with the might of his sword against Islamand for the problems he had created for the muslims. The Prophet(pbuh) assured him that all that he had done in his days of ignorance would be automatically erased.
Khalid bin Waleed had converted to Islam not out of fear or greed but because he was influenced by the attractive and magnetic personality of the Prophet(pbuh). Khalid bin Waleed fought great many battles for Islam and his military abilities and strategic thinking held even the enemies in awe.He was a great commader who gave his mind, body and soul for Islam. He greatly inspired the men whom he commanded and during the Battle of Yarmook against the Romans he addressed them thus:
"O Mujahideen! This is a memorable day. It is the day on which our faith will be tested and tried. Today we should avoid every kind of arrogance, pride and not contend for individual glory or egoistic bragging. O Mujahid of Islam! Fight only to gain the Goodwill of Allah Almighty.In the muslim army today there are many great generals; each of them is worthy and can be entrusted with the permanent command of this army.Today you have assigned to me this honour of commanding the muslim army.So I hope that for the honour and victory of Islam, today we will enter the battlefield as one. Allah will be our Supporter and Defender."
Khalid bin Waleed had been one of the worst enemies of Islam and Allah Almighty had inclined his heart towards Islam.The Prophet(pbuh) had said: "Khalid, you are the sword of Allah Almighty which has been made to annihilate the kuffar" Thus, he came to be known as Saifullah (the Sword of Allah).
When he lay on his deathbed Khalid bin Waleed wept copiously and said that he always wanted a martyr's death.There was no joint in his body which did not carry a scar of an arrow or of a stab given by the enemy's sword.He defended the Ummah the way a lion protects its cubs.On his death, his mother prayed that the Mercy of Allah should always shelter him.He had given her happiness and she prayed that he should get happiness in the Hereafter.
When the body of Khalid bin Waleed was lowered into the grave, all the Companions had become silent with grief.The weeping of his horse, Ashqar, whose tears were rolling down his cheeks, broke this silence.The Companions were amazed at this expression of grief. Khalid bin Waleed(ra), the great General of Islam died in Hammas and was buried there.
Last words by Hazrat Khalid bin waleed:
"I die even as a camel dies. I die in bed, in shame. May the eyes of cowards never find rest in sleep!"

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

kisah cinta

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Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

10 Kisah Cinta Paling Terkenal

1.romeo dan juliet

Romeo and Juliet adalah sebuah tragedi karya William Shakespeare,yang berada pada abad ke16. Tragedi ini mengisahkan sepasang mempelai muda yang saling jatuh cinta namun terhalang karena kedua keluarga mereka saling bermusuhanyang berakhir pada kematian kedua sepasang kekasih yang saling mencintai.kisah cinta ini mungkin paling terkenal di dunia sampai sekarang.

2.Peter Abelard dan Heloise

Petrus Abelard dan Heloise, abad ke12, Perancis. Teolog dan dosen Abelard berusia masih 17 tahun dan merupakan guru dari Heloise . Diam-diam mereka menikah, tapi paman heloise mengetahui dan menyuruhnya dikebiri. namun Terlambat dan mereka sudah punya anak. mereka Dipisahkan oleh keluarga dan gereja, ia masuk biara, ia menjadi seorang biarawan, dan surat-surat cinta mereka masih ada. Mereka dikubur bersama-sama di Paris.

3.Shah Jahan dan Arjumand Bann Begum
Shah Jahan dan Arjumand Begum Bann, abad ke17, India. karena kesedihan akibat istri tercintanya meninggal dunia pada umur 39 saat melahirkan anak 14 mereka,ia menugaskan para bawahannya untuk membangun taj mahal agar sang istri dapat selalu dikenangnya. Putranya kemudian memenjarakannya dan dia menghabiskan sisa hidupnya menatap ke luar jendela kamarnya di Taj, sambil merindukan Arjumand.

4.Kermit dan Miss Piggy

Kermit dan Miss Piggy, abad ke20, Amerika. miss piggy adalah pusat perhatian semua mahluk di sesame street.Miss piggy cinta berat sama kermit yang sangat kontradiksi sama dirinya kecil,lemah dan sangat sederhana.Saking sayangnya Miss Piggy sama kermit sampai sering tidak sadar akibat perwujudan rasa sayangnya dia justru malah menyiksa kermit.

5.Robert dan Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Robert dan Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Abad 19, Inggris. Elizabeth Barrett merupakan pujangga pada era Pergerakan Romantis, ia lahir pada tahun 1806 di Coxhoe Hall, Durham, Inggris. Browning dan Barrett, yang enam tahun lebih tua dari Browning, saling berkirim surat hingga mencapai jumlah 574 pucuk surat selama 20 bulan. Kisah cinta mereka yang pahit karena tidak mendapat restu dari ayah Barrrett .elain tidak mendapat restu orangtua, meraka juga diuji dengan keadaan Barrett yang menderita kelainan paru-paru akut. Untuk mengurangi rasa sakit yang ia derita, ia harus mengkonsumsi morfin sepanjang hidupnya. Pada tahun 1846, mereka memutuskan untuk menikah dan menetap di Florensia, Italia di mana kesehatan Barrett membaik dan ia melahirkan seorang putra bernama Robert Wideman Browning (Pen). Ayahnya tidak pernah berbicara lagi dengannya sejak saat itu. Karya Barrett "Sonnets from the portuguesse", ia dedikasikan untuk suaminya dan ditulis secara diam-diam sebelum ia menikah dan diterbitkan pada tahun 1850,merupakan karya yang dibbilang bisa menyandingi karya shakespeare.

6.Tristan dan Isolde

Tristan dan Isolde, 12th Century, Inggris, Perancis, Jerman. Cerita ini mengisahkan lika-liku percintaan segitiga antara Tristan-Isolde-King Marke. Kisah yang diangkat dari jaman Medieval ini ternyata merupakan sebuah legenda yang ditulis ama seseorang bernama Thomas pada tahun 1165. cerita tentang seorang ksatria yang melepaskan cinta sejatinya untuk sang raja telah diceritakan dalam banyak bentuk. Meskipun mereka sudah berbeda, mereka tetap setia dan cinta kepada satu sama lain, dan bersatu kembali dalam kematian.

7.Rhett Butler dan Scarlett OHara

Cerita klasik karya Margaret Mitchell ini merupakan salah satu cerita paling romantis sepanjang masa. Kisah cinta antara Rhett Butler dan Scarlett O'Hara yang begitu menyentuh, tak lekang waktu, dan tetap melekat di hati setiap penggemarnya.cerita ini begitu rumit tentang cinta segitiga antara rhett,scarlet dan ashley.

8.Cinderella dan Prince Charming

Cinderella dan Pangeran Tampan, 17th Century, Perancis. Berdasarkan legenda Eropa Timur, pola dasar dari cinta romantis adalah untuk mengirim pesan kepada para wanita bahwa jika mata Anda tetap terbuka, suatu hari nanti pangeran yang anda idam2kan Anda akan datang.

9.Dante Alighieri dan Beatrice

Dante terkenal sebagai sastrawan era Renaissance dari Italia. Ia lahir dari keluarga kaya, dan hidup sebagai perwira, politikus, filsuf, pujangga, pengusaha dan kekasih yg ideal.

Dante menemukan cinta sejatinya ketika ia baru berumur 9 taon, dan ce pujaannya, Beatrice, baru berumur 8 taon. Cinta Dante pada Beatrice adalah love at first sight. Walaupun demikian, ia dan Beatrice lalu berpisah selama 9 taon, dan bahkan Beatrice akhirnya kimpoi dgn pria lain dalam usia muda, dan Dante juga kimpoi dgn orang laen dlm usia muda.

Itu semua bukan problem bagi Dante. Dante bahkan memberi nama Beatrice utk anak gadisnya. Ketika Beatrice, wanita yg dikaguminya meninggal, Dante sangat terpukul dan memutuskan utk berhenti menulis.

Tetapi Beatrice kemudian muncul dalam mimpinya. Dalam mimpi itu, Beatrice berkata bahwa cinta sejati adalah abadi, tidak bisa diputuskan oleh maut. Dante, dipengaruhi oleh arwah Beatrice, akhirnya sadar bahwa ia punya tugas utk mengajarkan pada orang lain bahwa cinta sejati ala Dante & Beatrice adalah inti kehidupan dunia ini.

10.Guinevere and Lancelot

cerita perselingkuhan tentang king arthur ,guinevere dan lancelot.cerita ini telah berulang kali difilmkan dan merupakan cerita yang tragis yang berakhir pada kematian lancelot.